Event Details

Event Details

Fintech Abu Dhabi Tour 2019 @ Casablanca

Thursday, 19 Sep 2019

15:30 – 19:00

The FinTech Abu Dhabi Tour — Connecting Global FinTech Hubs

About the Tour

The FinTech Abu Dhabi Tour connects global finance hubs around the world to bring together emerging and scaling FinTech businesses and connect them to FinTech Abu Dhabi.

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Photo Galerie

Pitching events, meetups, exclusive dinners and workshops will connect emerging FinTech businesses and talent from around the world with the chance to get involved in FinTech Abu Dhabi, through the Innovation Challenge, the FinTech Abu Dhabi Awards and the FinTech 50.

What We’re Looking For

  • Emerging and Scaling FinTech Businesses looking to scale internationally, with a focus on the Middle East & North Africa.
  • Businesses developing revolutionary products and services working to address the challenges areas identified by Abu Dhabi Global Market:
    • RegTech & SupTech 
    • Financial Inclusion 
    • Digital Marketplaces 
    • Blockchain & Crypto
    • Security & Trust

Why Attend

The winning pitch will be part of the Fintech50, benefiting from:

  • $1,200 stipend towards travel and accommodation
  • Branded exhibition booth for your company during the FinTech Abu Dhabi event
  • Receive 2 free tickets to FTAD
  • Market expansion opportunities with Abu Dhabi Global Market as a Strategic Partner
  • Be featured on the FTAD website and in the festival brochure
  • Join the FinTech 50 global network and be kept up to date on future opportunities

Moreover, the winner will be considered for the FinTech Abu Dhabi Innovation Challenge.


Open to public: REGISTER HERE


15:30 – 16:00 – Registration

16:00 – 16:10 – Welcome note from Casablanca Finance City & ADGM

16:10 – 17:00 – Panel discussion: ‘How to scale up FinTechs in emerging markets?’

17:05 – 17:40 – FinTechs Pitching session

17:45 – 18:00 – Jury deliberation & Winner announcement

18:05 – 19:00 – Networking session + cocktail

Event Location

Onomo Hotel
Angle Blvd Massira Khadra et Rue Normandie
Casablanca, 21100

Event Fees


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