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“Opening Doors for Business with Israel” by CFC with ELA (Employment Law Alliance)
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CFC in partnership with ELA (Employment Law Alliance) are back to invite you to a special two-part webinar series called, “Opening Doors for Business with Israel”.
Session I will take place on October 6 at 2pm (Moroccan time) and will be an opportunity for executives of the CFC community to provide an overview of the business climate in Morocco and the different opportunitise available to international investors.
Session II will be on October 13 at 4:00 PM (Moroccan time) and will be moderated by Mr. Mohamed Oulkhouir, CFC member since  2015, and Managing Partner of CWA Morocco, where we will be hearing from Israeli business representatives about how the business environment has improved and what this means for employees working internationally. We will also discuss how to leverage relationships and business expertise to reinforce a positive business culture between Morocco and Israel, and beyond. In addition, we will be sharing concrete business opportunities available to Moroccan investors.
Session I:
  • Featured speaker: Said Ibrahimi, CEOCasablanca Finance City, Morocco
  • Speakers:
    • Hamza Rkha Chaham, Founder, SOWIT, France
    • Mohamed Oulkhouir, Managing Partner, CWA, Morocco
    • Lamia Merzouki, Deputy General Manager, Casablanca Finance City, Morocco
    • Aziz El Khyari, Head of Business Development, Casablanca Finance City, Morocco​

 [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw8Ma_lfrZ0&width=350&height=197&iv_load_policy=3&loop=1[/embedyt]

​​Session II: 
  • Featured speaker: Noa Partuk , Ministry of Economy and Industry, Israel
  • Speakers:
    • Pnina Manor Broder, Partner, Naschitz Brandes Amir & Co., Israel
    • Ilan Winder, Partner, Naschitz Brandes Amir & Co., Israel
    • Sharon Tzfoni, Partner, Naschitz Brandes Amir & Co., Israel
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wAGkgbKkrs&width=350&height=197&iv_load_policy=3&loop=1[/embedyt]
Join us on October 6 and/or 13, to hear more about these new ventures and possiblities.
Please remember to RSVP here and we look forward to seeing you all in attendance.
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